Changing the tracking status of variables (track)

track(VARIABLE, default=False, mode=query, scope=<...>)

Gets or sets the tracking setting for a VARIABLE (or the default behaviour) in the local or global scope.

The variable’s tracking setting and the tracking behaviour affects whether the variable’s changes are loaded from or saved to saved snapshots.

  • VARIABLE – The name of the environment which the tracking status is accessed for, e.g. PATH or EDITOR.

  • default – If -d/--default is given instead of a VARIABLE, the default tracing behaviour will be queried or set.

  • mode (choice) –

    Either one of the following modes. If neither is specified, --query is assumed.

    • -t/--track: set the variable to be tracked explicitly, or the default behaviour to track all variables that do not have an explicit setting.

    • -i/--ignore/--no-track: set the variable to be ignored explicitly, or the default behaviour to ignore all variables that do not have an explicit setting.

    • -r/--reset: remove the explicit setting for the variable.

    • -q/--query: retrieve the tracking status for the variable (or the default setting), and print it to the standard output

  • scope (choice) –

    The scope of the configuration to affect. There are two scopes available:

    • -l/--local: The setting only applies to the current shell session Envprobe is running in.

    • -g/--global: The setting applies to the current user’s local configuration, and thus to all shells. If Envprobe is not available in the current shell, only accessing the global configuration is possible through track.


    The --local option is only available if Envprobe has been installed and hooked in the current shell. If so, scope is local, unless otherwise specified.

    If Envprobe is not available in the current shell, the --local option is not available, only --global is. In this case, accessing the user-wide global configuration is the only option.

Possible invocations
  • epc track VARIABLE [mode] [scope]

  • epc track --default [mode] [scope]

$ epc track SOMETHING
SOMETHING: tracked

$ epc track --local --default --query
local default: not configured

$ epc track -l -d --ignore
$ epc track SOMETHING
SOMETHING: ignored

$ epc track --global --track ALWAYS_TRACK
$ epc track -l -t SOMETHING
$ epc track SOMETHING
SOMETHING: tracked
    local explicit TRACK

$ epc track OTHER_THING
OTHER_THING: ignored

$ epc track ALWAYS_TRACK
    global explicit TRACK

$ epc track -l --no-track ALWAYS_TRACK
$ epc track ALWAYS_TRACK
    local explicit IGNORE
    global explicit TRACK

$ epc track -l --reset SOMETHING
$ epc track SOMETHING
SOMETHING: ignored